Danielle Sabo


B.A., Health Communication & Political Science, Ohio University

M.A., Sociology, Case Western Reserve University

PhD Sociology, Case Western Reserve University (expected 2020)

Bio/ Research Interests:

My research explores the experience of recurrent instances of intimate body trauma (childhood abuse, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking) over the life course and the maladaptive health outcomes individuals develop in order to cope with said trauma. In particular, I explore the traumatic basis for the development of body image issues, disordered eating behaviors, self harm, PTSD, and suicidality among sexual violence survivors.  Additional research interests include health & medical sociology, women & gender, research methods, stress & coping, human development, the sociology of the body, embodiment, trauma & gender violence.

Dissertation Title: The Weight of Trauma – Exploring the Relationship Between Intimate Body Trauma and Disorder Eating Across the Early Life Course

Email: dnb31@case.edu

Current CV