New book by Professors Erdmans and Black released

Just released February 2015!!!!!

On Becoming a Teen Mom. Life before Pregnancy by Mary Erdmans and Timothy Black. University of California Press.


In this myth-shattering book, the authors tell the life stories of 108 brown, white, and black teen mothers, exposing the problems in their lives often overlooked in pregnancy prevention campaigns. Some stories are tragic and painful, marked by sexual abuse, partner violence, and school failure. Others depict “girl next door” characters whose unintended pregnancies lay bare insidious gender disparities. Offering a fresh perspective on the links between teen births and social inequalities, this book demonstrates how the intersecting hierarchies of gender, race, and class shape the biographies of young mothers. For a 30% discount when ordering online from University of California Press (ISBN: 9780520283411) please use source code 14M6812.