Dale Dannefer, Jessica Kelley-Moore and Wenxuan (Cherry) Huang. 2015. “Opening the Social: Sociological Imagination in Life Course Studies.” Pp. 87-110 in Handbook of the Life Course, Vol. II. Edited by Michael Shanahan, Jeylan Mortimer and Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson. New York: Springer.
Mary Erdmans was invited to present a paper at the Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference: The Poles on November 13-14, 2015. Her paper “Polish Immigrant Communities in Chicago, 1970-2000” focused on the formation of new immigrant communities in the suburban metropolitan area of Chicago and the challenges Catholic parishes faced incorporating Polish-speaking parishioners.
Dale Dannefer. 2015. “Right in Front of Us: Taking Everyday Life Seriously in the Study of Human Development. Research and Human Development [Special Issue].12(3-4): 209-216