
The Department’s foci on the sociology of age and the life course, medical sociology, social inequality and research methods  fit well with Cleveland’s strength as a provider of health care and leader in medical education, research and clinical practice.  Several faculty members have joint appointments and/or collaborative enterprises with researchers in the School of Medicine and the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, as well as collaborations with local and regional community agencies and other human service organizations.  Some medical and nursing faculty members also have joint appointments in sociology. The research of faculty members bears upon practical questions of health and wellness, as well as questions of basic research and theory development.


We educate students from across the world. The required curriculum includes areas of medicine, the sociology of age and the life course, and research methods.  Students also have opportunities for advanced training in other areas, including the sociology of law and policy analysis.  One aspect of teaching that benefits people living in Ohio is that some of our Ph.D. graduates are now on the faculty of other Ohio universities and colleges.


Our faculty members contribute in a number of ways to their local communities, to the region, and to the state. Some faculty members serve on boards of local and regional nonprofit agencies, some have participated in setting test levels for Ohio Proficiency Exams, and some advise non-government and government agencies that indirectly and directly benefit Cleveland and Ohio.