Undergraduate Director

Professor Tim Black
Office: 231B Mather Memorial

Undergraduate Advisors

Professor Cassie Pittman Claytor
Office: 223E Mather Memorial
Phone: 216.368.2698

Professor Brian Gran
Office: 224 Mather Memorial
Phone: 216.368.2694

Professor Susan Hinze
Office: 223F Mather Memorial
Phone: 216.368.2702

Professor Eva Kahana
Office: 231B Mather Memorial
Phone: 216.368.2704

Professor Dale Dannefer
Office: 226A Mather Memorial
Phone: 216.368.2703



Sociology majors and minors are each assigned a faculty advisor who is available to provide information and counsel throughout the student’s period of study at Case. Advisors provide information about courses, concentrations, requirements, career issues, and other topics of concern. Undergraduate Sociology students are welcome to contact their advisor at any time to discuss questions and concerns. If in the course of one’s studies, a student find that their interests are shifting or for other reasons, they may also request an advisor change.

Each semester, during the pre-registration period, students should have a consultation with their advisor. Students should come prepared to discuss course selections. Prior to meeting, students should check their status with regard to required courses, have a list of preferred courses, and a second list of backup courses (in case classes on the first list are closed). When the advisor has approved the student’s plan for the semester, the advising hold will be released. Students should also arrange additional appointments throughout the semester to discuss any issues that they may have as well as their general progress and future plans.