UCITE, the University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education at Case Western Reserve University, has named Assistant Professor Cassi Pittman one of its five Glennan Fellows for 2016-2017. Named after T. Keith Glennan, former President of Case Institute of Technology (1947-1965), the program recognizes tenure track faculty and is awarded based on promise as a scholar and teacher.
Professors Mary Erdmans and Timothy Black have received a second prestigious award for their recent book. At the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Seattle, On Becoming A Teen Mom: Life Before Pregnancy received the William J. Goode Book Award, Honorable Mention from the Section of the Sociology of the Family, American Sociological Association.
Eva Kahana was awarded one of the CJN 2016 Clsas of 18 Difference Makers. This class of honorees represents remarkable individuals who make a difference and help better the Northeast Ohio’s Jewish community by being active through nonprofit organization, volunteer group or professional endeavor, and must demonstrate the “mensch-like” characteristics of honor and integrity. An event will be held on November 2 honoring the Cleveland Jewish News 18 Difference Makers and award winners will also be featured in a commemorative section of the October 28 issue of CJN and on cjn.org.
What is the lived experience of previously healthy older adults as they face disability in late life, and how is disability assimilated in their identity? How do prevailing practices facilitate—or limit—options for elders living with new disabilities? To address these questions, Jeffrey Kahana and Eva Kahana uniquely synthesize disability and gerontological perspectives to explore both the unfolding challenges of aging and the practices and policies that can enhance the lives of older adults in their forthcoming publication Disability and Aging: Learning from Both to Empower the Lives of Older Adults available from Lynne Rienner Publishers April 2017.